Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ok I lie

Mike's birthday was actually yesterday (I could've sworn the 9th was today??). We started the morning bright and early looking for his wallet. He looked everywhere and was even about to go look down at the gas station where he filled up the previous night when I found it by the bed where it fell out of his pants *rolls eyes*

Later, I brought a birthday cake up to his work so Mike could score brownie points with them (and also because I'm nice like that). I also had the cake lady write happy birthday in Latin just because... I could. Let me go off on a quick tangent and say that I love the people at Mike's work, they are just like one big family. They are all super nice and funny. If they would let him work on the cars instead of sitting behind a desk then I really think life would be perfect.

Anyway, Mike's sister and I took him out to lunch for his birthday. I got home just before Karen did and together we listened to an answering message that went something like this:

"Hi this is [Mike's grandma], just calling to let you know that I fell and hit my head on the sidewalk. Don't worry about me though, other than the fact that I fell on the side of my good eye and now can't see at all, I'm fine. Just wanted to let you know."

...Yea. We made several calls and found out that Mike's oldest uncle took her to the hospital. Turns out that she broke the lower part of the eye socket, swelling her good eye shut. They want to schedule surgery for her, but won't do so until the swelling goes down.

This morning, after I woke up but before I got out of bed, I swear the baby kept punching me in the gut. I could even feel it when I put my hand on my tummy. Makes me worry when it gets bigger and stronger @.@


At 12:09 AM , Blogger Lilah said...

Just a shout-out from sis - kick harder McPeanut!

It sounds like everything is going well with you. We've been having a great time playing with our new toy. Baby and I have finally got a moment of peace and quiet as J and Mom went to do [something fun]. So I'm catching some z's and also catching up on some email. Check ya later homefry, we out.


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